Artist Statement
I write songs for many reasons. I enjoy the process of being intentional and creating a work where everything means something to me. When I hear it I know everything is intentionally the way it is to best communicate what I mean in the song. I think it’s amazing how you can use words to paint a picture, transport people and tell a story. I often find this experience and process to be cathartic.
I do my best to maintain authenticity in my work. I like to consider every part of a song so every element is intentional and meaningful. It’s rare that a day goes by where I haven’t recorded some sort of song idea, I constantly find inspiration from my own life and things I see. I have a l have always been someone who thinks a lot so I’ve learned to think on paper where I get in touch with my inner thoughts and write them down so I can turn them into lyrics. I like to start a song with whatever idea connects with me at that moment, then I try to expand on it by taking that idea and seeing what comes to me and recording that. I like to convey the emotion of a song not only with lyrics but also using production. When working on songs it’s really important to me to convey the emotion felt in the moment talked about and remain authentic.
I am currently working on figuring out what kinds of production and sounds I like and on creating songs that bring the scenes in my head to life. I started out singing to Broadway musicals in the car and my love for singing grew into an over-all love for music, which continues to grow today. I love exploring different ideas about music such as different ways of creating, theory, and anything else can learn about it. People in music have such different thoughts on what I like to call “music philosophy” which refers to what they determine what they think is good music and who good musicians are. I want to be someone who’s respected as a musician and known for being skilled in many areas, but doesn’t demand recognition. They just know I know what I’m doing when creating songs because I prove it. I aim to keep my songs simple and approachable to mainstream success without sacrificing quality musicianship.